Facebook Group Supports Boy with Glasses

When her 4-year-old son Noah was reduced to tears by the thought of wearing glasses, Lindsey Fisher asked for help on facebook. Noah didn't want to wear glasses so others give suggestions, send them pictures how awesome to wear glasses,etc. 

There're some people around us need help ,just go ahead,  go help them! Actually, everyone needs help, that might be financial support or spiritual support. Give your love to others, how beautiful it is ! I'm glad FCS/ student council has some program like adopt a family or food drive, and I really appreciate...

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  • This is a caring act of kindness. I think it helped the boy out and made others realize that making someone feel good ends up making you feel better as a person.

  • That's very nice to hear. Its good to know we still have people who will help others. With all these stories of bad things its nice to hear some good. 

  • I love to hear good stories about things like this. We need to treat everyone better.

  • I think this is cool. When I first got glasses, I wasn't happy either, but then I realized a lot of people wear glasses and I didn't mind as much any more. 

  • I think glasses are pretty cool, look at how popular sunglasses are. Aren't there glasses that can be regular indoors and sunglasses outdoors? I think I saw an ad for them once.

  • That's sweet that people helped him out. It is nice to hear about good things happening instead of bad stories.

  • It is very cool that people helped support him because he didn't want to wear glasses. It shows that a lot of people have a lot of good in them

  • Thats nice that those people did that for that little boy because im sure that made him change his mind. I think that is very nice. And i agree if you can help someone i think you should.

  • It is really great to see when things like this happen. It really makes you think that there is good in the world. 

  • This warms the heart of the people it shows that some people in out generation are trying to do good for their community and some people how cant do it themselves.

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