To me facebook has gotten really boring! Twitter is much better! I hardly ever go on faceboook anymore but to tell people happy birthday, see pictures i am tagged in or graduation parties!
what are your thoughts about facebook or twitter or both?
To me facebook has gotten really boring! Twitter is much better! I hardly ever go on faceboook anymore but to tell people happy birthday, see pictures i am tagged in or graduation parties!
what are your thoughts about facebook or twitter or both?
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Well i don't have facebook anymore cause i was on it like 24/7 and i was spending too much time inside instead of being outside in the beautiful weather.
Facebook was bound to lose popularity sooner or later. the same thing happened with myspace. I'm not sure if twitter is the sight that will fill the void or google+ or maybe something we haven't even seen yet
I don't have twitter so i can't say anything about it. I have facebook and it is okay. I look at pictures and post when i can because sometimes my computer wont allow me, but otherwise i really don't care for any of them because it is a social media website that can break a person like "that"
I don't really care about either of them i could live without them.
I think twitter is creepy. Anybody can follow you and know basically every thing you're doing.
I go on Twitter a lot more than I go on Facebook. I honestly feel like no one is ever on Facebook anymore and if it wasn't for looking at pictures and posting pictures, I would delete my Facebook.
i think facebook its starting to get boring.. but its a way to keep talking with friends in anywhere.. well about twitter i dont like it a lot
i agree, facebook is starting to get boring, but i still go on it for some reason haha
usually things like this are only big for a few years. they dont last forever. we just have to wait for the "Next Big Thing" to pop up.. its only a matter of time. before we know it, something else will be the thing people are DYING to have. hopefully its some thing thats actually good for you, and not some stupid thing that doesnt help situations, but in fact gets you in more of a crap hole. guess we just have to wait.
Facebook is pretty lame these days...combined with their constant "updates", it's getting really annoying.