State police in Kentucky are investigating an extreme case of road rage. The victim was David Kollar, who caught the scene on video. David was driving along when he spotted another car driving recklessly in the emergency lane. David got out his cell phone and tried to video the driver's rear license plate, but was cut off when the driver suddenly slammed on his brakes. David then saw the rear-window of the vehicle open and tried to get the driver's id by driving beside him and getting facial recognition. The driver reportedly rolled down his window, pointed a gun at David, and supposedly shot once. David wasn't hurt and police later apprehended the driver. The driver, Dr. Perrin Dobyns, has a troubled past with the prohibition of his medical license in 2008, then the allowance to practice with another doctor in 2009, and finally the allowance to practice by himself in 2011.
Why do you think Dobyns was out and driving recklessly? Do you think Dobyns deserves a 5-year sentence he is currently charged with?
Good job!
Dobyns could've been under the influence of something. I definitely think, if this is true, that he deserves the sentence. He could've killed someone who wasn't even doing anything wrong. He could've killed a child, or anyone else who happened to be nearby.
Yes if you are driving like that you are putting peoples lives in danger. Their is to many reasons that he could have been driving like that.
I agree. Who knows, maybe he took another over-dosage of oxycodone!
I think that it is not okay for him to pull a gun on someone, but I don't get why David didn't just call the police. Trying to get his license plate is reasonable but trying to get facial recognition is a little far. I think David should have left further investigating to the professionals instead of getting close to the road rage car.
There was a bike attached to the back of Dobyn's car, David wasn't sure if he could get a good shot of the rear plate with it in the way. Even so, with the suspect driving so badly, It would be rather dangerous to get anywhere near him.
Holy cow! This is crazy! But I don't think that he should get his medical licenses get taken away. His driving has nothing to do with his practice. Yeah, I think he should pry go to jail for like a year but not 5 years and anger management classes.
I think Dobyns was maybe mad and took his personal feelings on the road and drove recklessly on purpose. I think he deserves longer than a 5 year sentence because he pointed a gun and shot at someone.
This sentence definitely suits Dobyn's. Although, I do not think it is enough. In my opinion, Dobyn's should be sent to a mental facility after serving time for his life-threatening actions. Not only did he put David in danger, but everyone else driving around him. There is definitely a deeper issue, because he could not even learn a lesson after getting restricted of medical practice. I wonder why he was prohibited from his medical license in the first place?
They say he got probation from the illegal distribution of the highly addictive painkiller Oxycodone. It also didn't help that he was tested positive for its use at that time.