Have you ever thought of your water expiring? We've been using the same water for centuries, since the Garden of Eden if you really think about it. I was filling up my water this morning and saw the expiration date and decided to look it up if water can really expire. It's really a debate because it can expire if the seal is broken and germs and bacteria invades the water bottle. But without germs invading, could water really expire? What do you think?
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Wars and genocide is currently happening in the world due to lack of water. If you are one who believes in global warming, there will be areas of extreme drought which will lead to even more conflict over water.
I dont see how water can expire all of our water comes from somewhere and chances are that somewhere has bacteria and stuff in it...not to mention all the chemicals they use to "purify" the water. the only way I would consider my water expired is if it was like stagnant and had all sorts of algae and molds in it.
no. water doesnt expire. if it does then who cares? ever heard on the news about killer expired water? nope, you havent. cuz its not an issue. cuz it doesnt happen.
I believe the bottle expires, not the water. I just looked at my aquafina water bottle and it expires July 09, 2012. The plastic bottle that the water is in can make the water taste funny after awhile because of the molecules in the plastic. I can compare this to food. You ever hear that you arent suppose to heat food in a plastic container? Chemicals will be released into the food if this is done. The same effect goes to the water.
I don't really think water could "expire" because we need water to survive! If water expired where would we get our water to live. So no I don't think water could "expire"!
that would be weird. because if water could expire then wouldn't it already be expired before we purify it. or does the purifying actually unexpire it. wow that is really confusing. well i don't think it can expire.