An ex cop took a bus full of hostages yesterday in an attempt to make his precinct give him his job back. Eventually the police killed the hijacker but not before he had shot and killed 8 of his hostages. To read the full story click here.
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that is absolutely rediculose.
if that cop wants his job back maybe he should try getting it back, instead of killin people.
serve and protect what a lie.!
Thats really sad! Why would he think that highjacking the bus with all those people on it would help him get is job back? You would think, that since he was a ex-cop, that he would know that highjacking is against the law and that he could get into serious trouble for that. Not to mention, I'm having a hard time understanding why he would KILL the people too. I guess i can see why they fired him.
that's....a terrible way to go about things. if he hadn't died, he would have been arrested, right? they wouldn't give him his job back after he took hostages anyways.
if that cop wants his job back maybe he should try getting it back, instead of killin people.
serve and protect what a lie.!