You have to read the article... so many coaches are sexually abusing boys... but why?

This man has been accused of 22 counts of criminal sexual conduct with children. He is a former school principle and ex youth coach. Where is all this happening? Mostly at summer camps. This is so disturbing. If i was a parent i would be afraidto send my children to any camp. He isnt the only one doing it either! This is insane and so disturbing!

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  • Some times it is the people who you least expect that are the biggest perverts. I hate how this messed up people use things like camps to get close to kids and abuse them. 

  • What a loser! Guys like this deserve to rot in a cell for the rest of their lives. idk what kinds of things go through these people minds, but it is sick and they should actually be put in mental institutions.

  • That's disgusting! Why is it always coaches who do this kind of thing?


  • I mean surously why have so many coaches been melosting little boys. That is so nasty and i don't see why. I mean if you are an adult guy you either married or you go out on like one night stands you know. You shouldn't be see needy or disturbed that you abuse little boys. All your doing is ruining their lives

  • Guy looked decent enough that no one would have thought that he would be a Child molester. But i guess you can't tell even if they look like a responsiable person right? There is nothing you can do about it if you want to go to those kind of camps except tell your friends/ brothers and sisters to watch out for this kind of thing.

  • man thats nasty. i would be afraid to send my kids to camps to. i dnt see why people are doing this to little kids its nasty. i hope they get this stopped

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