Ex-Teacher Freed After a Month in Jail

Stacey Rambold, 54, was released from prison after just one month in jail for raping a 14 year old who later killed herself. He has been registered as a sex offender and must check in with a probation officer in Billings. Rambold was charged with three counts of sexual intercourse without consent, the Montana equivalent of rape, in 2008. Billings Senior High School, where Moralez was a student in his technology class, suspended him. He later surrendered his teaching certificate. What do you think about him leaving after a month in jail? Do you think it was right?


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  • Good topic but you never replied to anyone's response.

  • This really makes me mad. Rape is horrible especially on a 14 year old. I can not believe she only spent a month in jail. How did she not get charged with these accusations?

  • I don't think that is right at all. In my opinion rape is not something someone should be able to spend just one month in jail. I'm sure the family of the girl that got raped must be upset, and if I were their shoes I would be too.

  • He should have been kept in jail for a very long time for what he did. I wouldn't be surprised if he did that to someone else because just being in jail for one month will not help him realize how bad rape is, and how he affected so many lives.

  • I think that he should be kept in prison for much much longer than a month. I also think that the judge who ruled should be removed from office and never deal with the law again. I hope that the restrictions that have been placed on him are followed, and he never does this again.

  • They should have kept him in jail a lot longer then just one month for raping somebody! Because you never know he could go back out and do it again when hes in jail he has the time to think about what he did and then he hopefully wont do it again!

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