Kwame Kilpatrick used to be the mayor of Detroit, now he is facing 28 years in prison on two dozen federal charges. Some of the charges are racketeering, extortion and the filing of false tax returns. He is said to have done this things so that his friends and him could become rich.
"I say with every morsel of my being that I'm sorry to you," he said sorrowfully. Judge Nancy G. Edmunds did believe that he was truthfully but she believed that the long prison term that he is sentenced to would most likely make his behavior better, overall making him a better person than he has been seen as for his wrong doings.
I think that this man got what he should have for the wrongs thongs that he did out of greed. After that i think that even though he has done those actions, i do not label him as a bad person because anyone could have that urge when they get that kind of power.
Do you believe that he deserves 28 years in jail? How would you feel if you were a citizen of Detroit when he was doing this?
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Good job Austin!
He will most likely get out on good behavior within 5 years. With that many charges, he probably does deserve 28 years, but it's not like they were serious charges like murder.
I think he does deserve to go to jail, but not for so long. I think a year or so is enough for him to learn his lesson.
I am going to have to say i disagree, look at all the people he took advantage of and betrayed by doing this. I most certainly think he deserves what he got.
I do think he deserves 28 years in jail. If he committed these crimes, I do not care if he was the mayor he deserves the charges.
I think that i get what your saying, and i'm thinking the same thing. I'm glad that even though he is rich, he shouldn't be able to buy his way out of that.
I would feel betrayed. Some people who are struggling to keep food on the table and pay their bills were cheated just because he wanted more money. I think it was a greedy thing to do, and his sentence fits well.
I agree, he must of cared more about money th