Equal rights equal fights
I feel that everyone should have equal rights and equal fights but if a girl does nothing or a guy does nothing to you I feel then you should not be able to swing on anyone even if they annoy you.
Some studies say that it is bad and unfair but I say if you can’t take the hit then don’t do it. Like some women do they might hit you, kick you, or smack you but then they pull the card that you can’t hit them because then they can pull abuse and because the world is towards girls more than guys they just skip the guy and go straight to the girl then we guys can’t say or do anything because either way we're gonna get in trouble for hitting them back.
It's close to the same way with guys one swings first and then the other swings in defense then you both get in trouble and put in for the same amount of time and the same thing for fighting. I am not for hitting girls not at all but if they hit you then don’t you think you should be able to hit them back because of the way the world is now?
Should boys be able to fight girls within reason? Why?
Should equal rights be in effect?
I think that guys should not hit women for any reason but then again it comes up to stuff like where the woman just starts fighting I thnk that it is ok for you to hit back but other than that I don't think it should be allowed and i don't think they should hit them normally
I 100% agree with you because if they start hitting you then you should be able to fight back a little not saying its good at all
I feel there isn't much of a good reason to have to fight someone. Guys fighting girls doesn't even sound realistic. Most days fighting is caused by drama or somthing some one said behind someones back. I don't think there is an way to make guys fighting girls equal or legal at all. I just think as how much fighting there already is why add even more to it.
I don't think that there should be fights in general. Of course, some things you could see as self defense and it might be necessary but I don't think that gender plays a role when you're in a situtation where you have to defend yourself. However, I also think that self defense isn't the same as a fight.
I dont think there are good reasons to have a fight? a lot of people fight over dumb things like for example, girls fight becasue they are talking crap behind eachothers back? guys fight for no reason, to mostly get their anger out or something. I just think everyone needs to think before they react. is it worth getting in trouble for?
I don't think people should fight because it's kind of dumb unless it's professional boxing or wrestling or something like that. It shouldn't depend on gender, if a women hits a man she should get in trouble and it should be the same if a man hits a women he should get in trouble.
I don't think anyone should be able to fight period. It shouldn't be about gender. I think If a women hits a man without reason then she should get in trouble. I think if the man were to hit her back he should also get in trouble (unless it's self-defense and she is trying to seriously harm him). I don't think any human should hurt other humans. I think its sad that a man can get abused (Ex. Johnny depp) and it's hard for people to bielieve him because of gender.
I agree with you becasue if they hit us they should get into trouble but since the school is sexist towards girls they would probably max get 2 days while guys will get 4 or 5 days oss