Elementary School Shooting

This morning there was a school shooting at an elementary school in CT. 26 people were killed, and 18 of those were little kids. I don't understand what would be going through the gunman's head. I feel so bad for the families that lost a child. These little kids are scarred for life with something as tragic as this. What are your thoughts?


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  • It's such a shame that this had to happen to children who had there whole lives ahead of them. I can't imagine what those parents of the children who died are feeling right now. My thoughts and prayers go out to those who died and the families of them.

  • I hear dabout this story  all over facebook, some stupid man had to hurt childeren who didnt do anything to hurt him, but he decided to take their lives? Maybe he needed some help.

  • The fact that this happened is absolutely horrifying. Truly at a loss of words when thinking of all of those kids who's lives were ended. It is disgusting to think that this guy shot so many kids.

  • This is another example of how we need to do something. Whether it is increasing gun control or increasing mental health care.

  • This is so sad! I don't get why someone would do that. If you wanted to take your own life I guess there is no one to stop you, but you don't need to take the lives of 18 innocent little children.

  • This is a horrible tragedy. I really feel bad for the kids who were traumatized by this. It takes someone mentally sick to kill kids like this.

  • That's really sad, and it must be traumatizing to get interviewed right after something like this. I wish the reporters would've waited to interview the kids, but they wouldn't.

  • I find the Newtown shooting extemly sad and I feel horrible for everyone in that town especially the familys with a loved one lost! I hope they recover and my family and I will be praying for them!

  • This is so sad and horrible. The person that did this must have been absolutely crazy to do this to these innocent children.

  • I feel so bad for the parents that have lost their children, but also for the children that had to walk through their school right past dead teachers and classmates. Six and seven year old children should never have to go through anything like that.

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