Edible Roadkill?

The government in Montana is now allowing its citizens to purchase permits that allows them to salvage the dead carcasses from the road. There will also be an app so as soon as they hit the animal they can register for the permit. Personally, I'd be worried about if it was safe for human consumption. Therefore I wouldn't do it myself, I wouldn't risk it. Do you think that this could become legal in other states? Would you do it? 

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  • I would worry about the health of whoever eats this. I think if people are willing to do this and find it safe, then they should be able to do it. It takes care of their hunger and the roads would be cleaned up too

  • I think that isn't very sanitary. Personally i think that is kind of a dumb idea because that animal could have multiple diseases and you wouldn't know it.

  • I think that this is very weird but I guess if people really want to eat the animals that they just hit, go ahead. I think it is not a good idea, and I dont think that it will become legal in other states.

  • I guess it could depend on how you hit it and whether or not you could test for diseases. If I hit a deer and it was clean of disease and unwounded, I'd probably consider eating it. Venison tastes pretty good, so I don't think this law will last. People might hit deer so they can eat them.

    (Also, your link has a typo. You need a ":" after http, so it's like "http://".)

  • I don't see why it was ever illegal in the first place, if someone wants to eat a dead smashed animal off the road, let them go for it.

  • I wouldn't eat road kill because you never know if the animal was sick or something was wrong before you hit it. That or if you didn't hit it and you just picked it up you never know if other animals were eating off of it or how long its been dead so I don't think it would be a good idea.

  • I wouldn't try it but there are a lot of people who would who are starving.

  • I think it should be legal because if people want to do it than we should let them but i would never consider doing it myself.

  • I think that if you want to eat an animal off the side of the road go for it. Personally I would never do that but if your into that stuff go for it. 

  • Good job overall! You quit replying the last day or so however.

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