Edible dirt????

Remember when you were in grade school and somebody dared you to eat dirt?  Well apparently all the coolest people are doing it now.  No joke, dirt has made it's way on to the menus of some of most renowned restaurants, including 5 star places in Copenhagen, Tel Aviv, and New York.  Now the dirt isn't actually dirt, but vegetables and other edible materials that have been charred, dried, and then charred again until the resemble..and possibly taste like, dirt.  Not very surprising, but this has caught the interest and the favor of many people and is a highly requested garnish on many plates.  Now I would be willing to try this, but what about you??

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  • heck no i would never try dirt i dont understand who in their right nind would even like that
  • how sweet! i would definantly give it a try.
  • thats disturbing...eww!! i like vegis but not charred dried and charred :|
  • I think it'd be weird, but I would totally try it! It's just so wrong to say I ate dirt!
  • I would definetely try this! I was always dared to try things like that when i was littler. I'm always open to trying new things, so i will have to do this one day!
  • i think i might try it. but doesnt sound that good, i think thats something that should stay in the ground.
  • That would be werid. Someone walks by-- what r u eating- dirt want some.... werid
  • This is so sweet finally we can eat dirt and not need our stomachs pumped. I am definitly going to have to try it sometime it sounds weird but good.
  • hmmm tempting. i think i would try it. sounds sort of appetizing.
  • ewww i wouldnt want to try that
    i cant stand burnt food and this doesnt sound appatizing at all
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