Easter Body Hunt

Just a couple days ago a body was discovered under a lady's back porch. She had been in her backyard a lot in the past week and thought she smelled a disturbing odor, but she couldn't find where it was coming from. The week continued and the odor had gotten even worse. She held an Easter egg hunt at her house the night the body was discovered. The women had a very big porch and the body was shoved way in the back, where nobody could see it. There is no information on who's body it is. All they know is that is was a male with all of his clothing on and his body was very decoposed.

What do you think you would have done if a dead body was under your porch? What would you have done about the order?


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  • Good job! You could have replied a bit more however.

  • If I found a dead body under my porch I would be, for one, very disgusted and freaked out. It makes me wonder how the body got there and how long it had been there. If she had just recently moved there it would make sense she didn't know about it, but if she lived there for a good amount of time, how did somebody hide it under her porch?

  • Wow thats gross.. I wonder if we have a Easter serial killer? Im sure the news team could come up with a catchy title for that!

  • This would be very weird if a body was found under my porch.  I would be very confused and scared if a dead body was under my house.  Hopefully the police can find out who and why the person was under the porch. 

  • If I found a dead man under my deck, I would wonder how it got there. What if there are even more bodies in your house you don't know about? I think this women should be very concerned where the man came from. I wonder what happened to the man?

  • if i found a dead body on my porch i would be frightened because maybe the owner of the house is next. i would of just lived with it and probaly put a ordor thing down

  • I would be very freaked out if I found a body under my porch! I would have probably looked under my porch to see if there was a dead animal or something under there. 

  • The least of my concern would be the order. I would want to figure out what happened, that would scare me if a body was under my porch.

  • I have no idea what i would have done but that it crazy. I wonder how it could have gotten there without the women noticing. 

  • That is disgusting! I would hate if a body would be under my porch. The smell would of been so terrible.

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