Eagles' Fly Again

The Eagles' have created a new world record for the largest vinyl record. And of course the song that it plays is "Hotel California", you may also know them for "Desperado". The record is currently topping the roof of the Forum concert venue. It is 407 feet in diameter and is held up by more than a half a mile of aluminum trusses. 

Eagles vinyl Forum/Rex


What are your thoughts on this epic feat?

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  • Be sure to include your thoughts as well.

  • I think it's really awesome idea, and a cool thing to show some kids nowadays that don't even know what a vinyl record is, But it could be potentially dangerous with it being on top of a building.

  • It's pretty cool but I don't think that it was really necessary. I'm guessing that it will boost their music sales because of the new publicity.

    • I completely agree with your previous statement as now everyone on this website now knows and I think thats what they were going for.

  • I think this is cool that they would put it over a building that they performed in.

  • This is really cool! It's amazing that it actually works and moves!! It would be awesome to see! 

  • I feel like they will not be able to keep it in shape and running without debts very long. But who knows, they could get a huge turn out each year and it could become a huge tourist attraction. 

    • I believe that the Eagles are having like a 6-day concert coming up to kickoff the grand re-opening of the place. They just finished remodeling, and it might not be permanent. 

  • This a really cool thing to look at. Like Cassie said it could potentially be a very cool tourist attraction. 

  • its cool but its a huge wast of money

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