After failing an blood-alcohol test this pilot was kept off the plane. If i was going on this plane and heard this I would freak. I already hate flying and now after hearing this I dont think i ever want to go on one again! What do you guys have to say?
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People are so stupid why would he be drunk ha and he could have killed civilians! What an idiot!
well depends how many alcohol had in his blood.. its not because one guy that i never going to fly anymore .. and still have the other pilot
Thats crazy why would you try to fly drunk. He would have been putting lives and property in danger. This guy should have to take a sobriety test every time he gets on a plane to fly.
That is scary! i'm glad he got caught...that makes me even more nervous to be on an airplane
what was this guy thinking? He could have wrecked and killed a bunch of people. It's scary to think that this might not have been the first time being intoxicated and driving a plane!
I fly a lot. In May i am actually going to Europe by myself.
I would HATE it if i knew my pilot was drunk. Flying drunk is just as bad as driving drunk.
Who would honestly be dumb enough to be fly a plane while drunk!? That is ridiculous and absolutely dumb. He should never be able to fly a plane ever again.
Wow. That just shows how stupid you can be when intoxicated. I mean the fact that he was going to fly that plane if they wouldn't have caught him is just plan scary and stupid.
I heard about this. I am glad no one was hurt and that he got caught. He put the passengers in great danger. They should start taking breath tests of all pilots prior to take off.
I can't believe that an airplane pilot would get drunk and try to fly a plane...he could've killed so many people. This is terrible, what's the world coming to?