
  • So scary! They finally get the vacation they have dreamed of, and something happens to them. I pray that they are all right and come home safely!

  • This is so sad! I hope they're found okay! That must be scary to think that your brother and his girlfriend just went missing. Prayers for the family.

  • That's terrible. I also hope there okay. That is really strange, but maybe they just got lost for awhile.

  • If i was their family I would be worried out of my mind! I hope that both of them are found safe and sound!

  • Well just cause they quit texting and putting up status' means that they are missing? They are in South America the last time I checked they didn't have the greatest cell reception down there.

  • Hopefully somebody finds them and they turn out to be ok.

  • Wow, this is crazy!! I mean, that's great that they got to do their dream vacation, but something like this would be pretty sad! Hopefully they can be found!

  • I hope that they are found! This is so sad! i hope they are found and alive. its hard to believe what could of happen to them

  • this stinks i hope that they find them and when they find that they are okay and nothing is wrong with them.

  • That's really sketchy. I don't think someone in their mid-twenties would just cut out of their normal life. I think if their phones died or something like that, they would still be using their bank account, because I don't think they would carry enough cash to buy thing for a month. They had to be kidnapped. I hope they are found soon.

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