Dog Tied to Bench; Giving Birth

In Newark, California on October 3rd Officer Jennifer Blum witnessed an abandoned German Shepard, tied to a park bench. The dog was pregnant and in labor. By the time the officer got up to the bench the dog was still delivering babies but she was also trying to bury one that had already died. The Dog was less than a year old. She delivered three puppies at the hospital, but at then they vets thought there was more and pretty soon the mother delivered four more pups. She had 9 puppies all together, but two died. The dog was taken to Central Veterinarian Hospital in Fremont. They named her Bristol. If no one claims Bristol and her puppies then they are up for adoption. The police are deciding what to charge the owners with if they find them. 

What do you guys think of this?

Do you think they owners should get charged with animal cruelty? 

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  • Well done Megan!

  • Yes if you get the animal it is your job to take care of it. It is like a kid you cant just treat it like dirt. I think it is terrible that someone did this but glad that something worse didn't happen.

  • I hope they find the owners and charge them with animal cruelty. That is not right. If you wanted the dog, you have to take care of it. If you didn't want puppies, you should have had her spaded. You do not just leave a pregnant dog anywhere. You have to make sure the pups and the mom are alright.

    • And anther thing they could of done if they didnt want the puppies instead of tying the dog to a bench was they could of sold the puppies and if they wanted they could of still kept the dog but they would of had to worry about the puppies.  They could of done anything besides tie it to a bench, anything would of been better than that!

  • I think that the owner should definitely be charged with animal cruelty.  I can't imagine how the owner could leave that dog there and not feel the lease bit of grief.  The owner had to have known that the dog was pregnant.. so I'm sure that was a reason they left it.  They probably just didn't want all the puppies but they still could have got rid of them by doing something else.

    • exactly they could have taken it to a animal shelter or something instead of tying it to a bench!

      • I'm sure that if the dog was cute enough, somebody would have even bought them.  The owner could have gotten some money from them instead of just leaving them there.

  • I think it's obvious that the owner didn't want to keep the dog because it was going to have puppies. I think that if you don't want the responsibilities that come with having a pet of any kind, then you should not get one in the first place.

  • I think they should be charged, but not thrown in jail. That's a bit too extreme for the situation. I think the puppies will be adopted quickly (because who doesn't like puppies?), but Bristol might have a tougher time finding a new hope. Hopefully all of the dogs get a nice home with new owners!

  • It is upsetting that she was just left there and two of her puppies died, but she is ok and so are her others and that's good. If they do find the owners they should be charged with animal cruelty or some sort of punishment that is appropriate.  

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