A Border Collie named Roosevelt was unable to use its front legs. Now the dog is able to run around with a doggie wheelchair. His owner adopted him in Maine and wanted to help him be able to walk again. Before the wheelchair the dog had to hop around on his back two legs and constantly lost balance. Now she is able to take the dogs on hikes instead of leaving him home alone. Roosevelt now wakes up a happy dog.
What do you think?
This is great. I love people who take in abandoned or injured animals and save them. Now they live with a good heart and a good dog that will always be loyal. I give props to these people
Good guy for helping the dog
He's cute! This lady saved the dogs life. Im glad the dog was helped.
This is so Cute!!! It would be sad seing it nose dive into the ground just because it cant walk. Im glad there are nice people out there that like to help animals other than abuse them!
That's a lucky dog that he has an owner that would do something like this. I think the name Roosevelt is a perfect name for the dog since it's in a wheel chair. I'm glad that the dog can have a some what normal life.
Aww! what a cute little dog. i think this owner is a great person, because a lot of people wouldnt have adopted him, let alone help him to walk again.
Poor dog! what a nice person to adopt this dog and turn his miserable life into a happy one.. I admire those people who help hurt/sick animals. i am not an animal lover but if i have an animal and dont like it, i dont want to get rid of it! its sad! :(
that was really cool of this guy.. but its sad see a dog like this .. he cant run and do the same thing of others dogs
That is awesome that someone took that much thought into their dog. Its great that the dog can finally run and walk without falling over. I'm definetely happy for the dog:)
It kind of looks funny but hes a good person for helping this dog.