Dog hurt dragging owner out of path of oncoming train (this is the actual headline of the story, it should say PITBULL hurt... they are not giving props to this breed, they make them seem vicious but read on..)
A 8 year old pit bull saved a woman as she passed out while crossing a train track so the dog pit dragged her body from the tracks. Sadly the pit sufferd minor injuries and a leg amputation. This dog is a hero!!! What do you think?
This proves that pitbulls are not bad dogs. If a dog owner wants to have the meanest dog on the block, they can have just that. These are nice dogs and are only mean if pointed in that direction. Like ANY other dog!
That dog is amazing. It's too bad he got injured, but it's good that he didn't die. I'm glad that it was a pitbull that saved the lady too. Not as many people like pitbulls and maybe this will help them realize that it's not the dog that's bad, it's usually owner's fault that they are mean.
That is awsome that her dog helped save her life.
What an amazing dog! it really shows what amazing things animals can do. Its sad that the dog had to get a leg amputation, but its amazing that they are both safe.
This cool and amazing. I would never think that a dog would do that, but if they had the dog for 8 years I guess that they could get attached. My dog is crazy. He was hit by a truck before and lost part of his ear. He doesn't behave very well.
That is true dedication! People usually look at pitbulls as mean dogs, this proves it otherwise. With dogs it seems to be that the dog behaves as it is treated, (ex. if a dog is loved it will love you or if a og is abused it will abuse others.) What an awesome pet to have!
That is great that this dog could do that. Everyone deserves a great dog. If that dog wasnt here the lady would have probably died:(
WOW! this is amazing! i cant believe the dog had like the strength to drag the women off of the train tracks like thats just amazing! i would love that dog forever! but thats sad that the dog had a leg amputation though.
wow thats awesome! i dont know many people who would do that ...just shows what animals are able to do and how smart they are.
That's awesome. Some pitbulls aren't as bad as people put them out to be. Dogs really are man's best friend. But why would the woman be on the train tracks in the first place? Betcha you didn't think about that one.