Yes chewing gum does help students focus but there are drawbacks. First I'll be talking about how does chewing gum helps students focus. In the act of chewing it increases blood flow to the brain which helps students focus and remember better. And just chewing with no food or gum does not have the same effects students have to chew food or gum to have the effect take place. Also it causes your body to be more physically awake. And chewing gum can also release stress which can make it easier for your brain to think without distractions. Another thing is chewing gum can make background noise not as strong. Gum also helps memory so when you are studying chew gum and while you take a test chew gum. Gum also helps make you feel less anxious and more relaxed which makes it easier to focus and learn. Students who chewed gum during class had less mistakes during tests and homework then people who did not chew gum during class. Therefore chewing gum does help students focus.
Sources I used.
Glad you got this posted Hayden! It is late and you didn't reply to any student comments.
I personally think that chewing gum can help students focus better in school, but I do not think that it is necessary to their learning. Although there are multiple downsides to allowing students chewing gum in class. Such as kids chewing it obnoxiously, and putting it places other than the trashcan.
I definitely think chewing gum can help students focus better but I don't think it is necessary to learning. I know a lot of people like to chew gum during the school day and I think if it helps them to do better in school then it's fine. It really other becomes a problem when people are obnoxious with it or disposing it in the wrong places.
I think tghat students should be allowed to chew gum in school, but I think that if they just put their gum in random places like under the chair, or if them chewing gum get annoying then they should not chew gum in the first place.
In my opinion, gum can help many students, but it really isn't crucial to their learning. An issue with gum is that chewing could be a distraction for students around them. If students are distracting others around them or putting it under their desks, then I don't believe that they should be chewing it. However, if it isn't affecting anyone and it is helping them, then that is fine.
I think that chewing is a distraction becuase I lose focus on things im doing or listening to and just gets me off track. but other than that its alright. Unless poeple start chewing laudly or doing somthing that bothers someone
I think that chewing gum is a big distraction because whenever I'm in my piano class and I'm chewing gum I get distracted and lose my focus, and also it can be a distraction to others because of the sounds it produces when you make a bubble. Thus, I believe that chewing gum is bad because it can make you lose focus.
Personally I like to chew gum when im doing any type work, whether that would be school work yard work or job work. The only thing I dont like about gum is how loud it can be and how fast the flavor runes out.
Personally i like to chew gum when i am doing school work not becasue it helps me focus but because it tastes good but it could probably also help some people focus.unless people start to chew ouldy then it gets annoying
I think chewing gum can definitely help students focus. It can be distracting for some if they focus on blowing bubbles instead of what they're supposed to be focused on.