I agree it sucks, but I don't think it's crazy. At least we're not one of those schools that plans on going to school in June (like they go from September-June or whatever). I think some of the 'teacher work days' or other days we have off should go twards making up snow days. Like that random Friday we get off after confrences!
I think that will still seem like we are in school in May because this year is going by super fast, but it is weird to think we will be in school until June.
i think that being in school till june is rediculas. we have 2 days that are called the winter break! why cany we just use those? so we dont have to be in school till june!!
yes i do! but Mr. Bruns had just talked about how we could possibly had about fifteen twenty minutes onto our day, and by the end of the yaer that will add onto so many days... that would cut us out of June im sure! i really like that idea, even an hour would be worth it. id rather start earlier or go later then be in school to June. our cooling system is never the best in hot weather, and who wants to be in SCHOOL of all places when its 80 degrees outside? not me!
well, we will be going the same amount of days, we will just be ending a week later, its not that bad.... I wish peopel would stop complaining, some schools don't get out until almost July. I used to go to June 10th before I moved to Harlan.