Do you support the death penalty? To this day there are still people getting executed by death penalty. What have these people done to get a death penalty. Most of the people are convicted with murder to get a death penalty. The first ever death penalty was in the eiteenth century B.C. Around 2,500 prisoners face a death penalty in the United States
All these prisoners are getting sentenced to an execution but Jeffrey Dahmer never got that. Some of these people would murder a couple people. Jeffrey Dahmer would do more than just that. Jeffrey Dahmer kills 17 people and some of these people getting sentenced only kill a couple.
Personally I think that if you get a death penalty if should be more then just one or two murders. I think four would start getting high and should get a death penalty. I also think Jeffrey Dahmer should have been sentenced to death.
Do you think people should get a death penalty for one or two murders?
Do you think jeffrey dahmer deserved a death penalty?
The topic has been done before and you only replied once to student comments. I agree does not count. Your summary is brief and it is also late.
I think that the punishment, especially in the case of a homicide, should be primarly based off of the family of the vicitim's wishes. While I believe that the courts should be involved to ensure everthing runs smoothly, the ultimate decision of the death penalty or no death penalty should be decided by the families who have been affected. Unfortunately, Jeffery Dahmer, I feel, got off easy in the sense that he was not able to live out his punishment. That also relates to the death penalty in a way because it is taking away the time that they must serve to reflect on what they have done by letting them off early.
I think it should be at three or more murders. Murder is such a horrible crime, usually happening to good people who never deserved it. Yes, I do think Dahmer deserved the death penalty, he mudered 17 people, that's crazy! Once they found out they should have given him the death penalty right away.
I agree with the death penalty but only if there is hard evidence of the crime they committed. I think it would be very wrong if someone accused of a crime was killed because of the death penalty when they were innocent. So as long as the crime is severe enough and there is enough evidence I agree with the death penalty.
I agree with the death penalty as long as there is concrete evidence. I think it would be terible if someone was killed due to the death penalty when they are innocent. As long as there is evidence I agree with the death penalty if they have done a bad enough crime.
I believe that the death penalty should be used when a person is determined a serial killer. A person is defined a serial killer after three murders. I think that everyone who is defined a serial killer should have the death penalty. I think this because it gives justice to the families of the victims and it is a bigger punishment than multiple life sences. Jeffrey Dhamer needed to have the death penalty becuase he killed 17 innocent people and ate them. He deserved what he got in prison even if he didnt get the death penalty.
I do think people should get the death penalty, becuase they knew what they were doing. They took a life away from a family from friends and caused pain and suffering for not just the victim. I do think Jeffrey Dahmer deserved the death penalty, becuase he killed 17 men and boys and di unspeakable things to there body.
I think that the death penalty should be allowed in states that they pick. I do think that the death penalty should be in affect if you kill more than 2 people. 1 I think is to much to kill someone but yea they should go to prison for awhile. I think that Jeffrey Dahmer should of got killed because killing that many people is not alright.
I agree
I think that the death penlety should be given to certain people. For people to receive the death penalty they must have done somehting bad. I beleive that Jeffery Dahmer should have received the death penalty.