
  • YES. A seatbelt is there for one reason. TO SAVE YOUR LIFE. If you dont wear it, its like asking to die. Seriously, why would you want to take the risk, weather your in the front seat or the back?
  • Yes it definately should because there would probably be many more deaths because people are flying out of their windows. this law is a good thing.
  • Yes there should be a law to wear your seatbelt because if you dont you will go flying out the windshield in a crash.
  • Yes I think that it should be legal because if you get into an accident it can save your life. I have gotten into an accident and I had other people with me and if they weren’t wearing there seat belt they would have been hitting the side of the car cause the car tipped.
  • i think it should be a law. They are just trying to prevent deaths. Why would you want to put yourself at risk of death? That makes no sense. The seat belt it there for a reason. Its not going to kill you to put it on but if you dont you risk your life
  • I think it should be a law, FOR SURE! I don't know why some people don't think it should be legal. It is just one strap that can save your life. I think that if you are in the back seat, and a certain age, it should be a little leniant, but still a good suggestion. But yes, I am glad it is a law.
  • Just wear your seatbelt it will save your life. They are just trying to save your life if you're to stupid not to wear one, so I'm fine with it being a law.
  • i honestly think that it should be your own choice to not wear a seatbelt or to wear one. its your own life if you wanna be safe wear it.
  • i dont think so cuz if it is its not like it would matter cuz almost nobody wears a seatbelt except for the driver and if you get hurt while not wearing it you have no one to blame but yourself
  • It should be someone's own choice. The seatbelts are there, so you might as well wear them. Although, I don't think we should be fined for not wearing them.
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