I think there is a good possibility considering this reason...Our sun is medium sized, out of MILLIONS of suns. I'm sure that there could be other planets the perfect distance from another sun to grow life form, whether they be funky animals or some type of human-like objects. If there is, I wish I could live to see them.

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  • they could be real, and most people dont believe in them. how will we ever know? people might decide to believe it when they see it/.
  • yeah i think there is probably aliens or something somewhere because out of all of the endless planets there has to be another one that is the right distance from the sun.
  • I don't really know if I do or not. We have Earth and who's to say that there isn't another planet like it, I bet there is.
  • I am not really sure if I believe in aliens, but it could be possible
  • Actually, there are trillions of stars. I believe that there are aliens, however, an alien life from can be anything from a protozoa living on a far off moon, to an intelligent life form capable of forming a society like the human race.
  • I don't really believe in aliens. I just have never really thought to hard about it thats why.
  • i guess aliens could be out there i really dont know.
  • Ive have actually thought about this before and i wish i could live to see if that would happen to. we are just a little world and there could be other life out there
  • butt im so sure to call them aliens,. like the skinny green things. they could be normal human beings just lik eus, or maybe they are aliens. who knows right?
  • well this happens to be an intense discussion. im not quite sure if i believe there are aliens out there. i dont think that we are the only human-like objects. so does that mean i believe. i'm not sure. i agree it would be kinda cool to find out though.
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