Do we need Border Security in the US?

Every country around the world has a border. The US decided to get a border so it can help protect us and prevent other people from coming into our country. Our Border Patrol was confirmed on May 28, 1924. Our border is located 6,000 miles from Canada and Mexico and 2,000 miles from coastal water surroundings. This makes it harder for people to get into our country since the border is so long.


There are many people around the border making sure there aren't any intruders coming in. The main introducers we want to keep out are terrorists and other people from other countries. Ever since 1924 our borders have changed so much. One of the times it changed was after 9/11. Now people are very strict and there is a lot of security so they can look for weapons or any gadgets that they might have on them.  


In my opinion I think we should have Border Security because I feel like it will help people in our country to feel safe. We won’t have to worry about as many terrorists or other people from other countries crossing our border. By keeping people out of our country illegally, it will help decrease costs of healthcare and education systems.


Do you think we should keep continuing to have our border?


Do you think the border is beneficial?


Do you think our border is getting stronger or weaker as the years go by? 



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    • I agree with about how should have border control. I disagree with you about how you don't think it is serious because it will make everyone in our country feel safe if we have a strong border. I can see why you said that they are not serious though.

  •  If they move or travel to another country, they'll need to know and abide by the laws set there.The same sector that annually caught more than 500,000 illegal aliens now apprehends about 27,000 illegal aliens each year. Similar efforts along the Arizona-Mexico border in the last 18 years saw corresponding success rates of cutting illegal crossings by 90-plus percent.Experts have attributed the increase in attempted crossings to pent-up demand, changes in global migration patterns, a change of perceptions by migrants about the ease of crossing, and incentives for migrants to try to cross again after Title 42 expulsions.

    • I had no idea about this side of the border security. I think it is really cool how you included a lot of facts into your comment. I also like how many numbers you have in it showing you put a lot of time and effort into your comment. This comment was also very interesting!

    • I never knew about any of this.

  • We should keep having a border, even if it's not as secure right now, it is better than nothing. The border is very beneficial because it is keeping unwanted people who may want to harm the United States citizens out of our country. The border security has gotten weaker over the years and we are letting thousands of people into our country daily by not having a strong secured border. We could be letting in terrorists, drug dealers, etc, it just doesn't make things feel safe. 

    • I agree that we should keep the border but I disagree that the border is getting weaker. I do believe that having the border is needed in protecting our contry but I do think after the attacks of 9/11 that the border has continued to get sttonger and stronger to prevent something like that happening again. 

    • I agree with what you said aobut how are border is benifical. I disagree with about what you said about our border is getting weaker throughout the years. I think our security is getting stronger throughout the years.

  • I think that they should keep the border. Dangerous people that keep on crossing is really bad. It puts the areas around it in danger. Especially since we do not know their intentions. They could be here to harm or not harm but we don't know since they are not from here. I would feel safer knowing there is a border rather then not one. 

    • I agree with everything you said.

  • I think that the U.S. should keep on patrolling the boarder so that the amount of illegal immigrants stay low, but i also think that the U.S. should try to help immigrants enter the country legally so that those immigrant familys can start a safe life in America.

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