Do we need Border Security in the US?

Every country around the world has a border. The US decided to get a border so it can help protect us and prevent other people from coming into our country. Our Border Patrol was confirmed on May 28, 1924. Our border is located 6,000 miles from Canada and Mexico and 2,000 miles from coastal water surroundings. This makes it harder for people to get into our country since the border is so long.


There are many people around the border making sure there aren't any intruders coming in. The main introducers we want to keep out are terrorists and other people from other countries. Ever since 1924 our borders have changed so much. One of the times it changed was after 9/11. Now people are very strict and there is a lot of security so they can look for weapons or any gadgets that they might have on them.  


In my opinion I think we should have Border Security because I feel like it will help people in our country to feel safe. We won’t have to worry about as many terrorists or other people from other countries crossing our border. By keeping people out of our country illegally, it will help decrease costs of healthcare and education systems.


Do you think we should keep continuing to have our border?


Do you think the border is beneficial?


Do you think our border is getting stronger or weaker as the years go by? 



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    • I agree with what you said about if we didn't have a border the population will increase by a ton. I disagree with you on how the border can't always be trustworthy but I can see where you are trying to go with it. I also disagree with how you said the border is getting weaker since I said the border is getting stronger.

  • Do you think our border is getting stronger or weaker as the years go by? I believe that since 2021 our border has gotten increasingly weaker. Around 5,000 people illegally cross our border each day, while very few of them are apprehended. This makes our country very unsafe, this is because these people are undocumented, and are not in our systems. rthis means we have no way to identify them. 

    • I disagree since I thought the borders were getting stronger. I can see why you said the border is getting weaker as the years go on. I think we have a lot more security now since back then. I feel like since 9/11 there has been fewer people that have crossed the border.

  • 1.) Yes, I believe we need the border and border security due to illegal immigrants taking jobs, keeping terrorists out, and keeping it fair for all soon to be American citizens because it's not fair that one person has to go through tests and check ups, when another doesn't.

    2.) Yes and no, since the border isn't full finished, illegal immingrants can still happen to get through, but the spots where the border is standing have done a great job at keeping them out, or at least making it more difficult to enter illegally.

    3.) I think it will get stronger due to advancements in technology, changing of economy, changing of government, and changing of presidency. Some presidents may not like the idea of the border, and others will, but overall it will keep developing as time goes on.

    • I agree with you about how our borders have been getting stronger as the years go on. I liked how you included about how we are getting more advanced in many things like technology to help with our borders. I never thought about that when I was writing.

  • I think having the border is beneficial to our country because without it, anyone with the wrong ideas could come into the country with things that cause harm. We should strengthen it as much as possible incase events similar to 9/11 come up again, because you never know when something might happen. There was a huge amount of people affected by it, and if the border was not as strong as we have it today there would be constant fear around the country. 

    • I agree with you about how our borders have been getting stronger since 9/11. I liked how you said at the end of you comment about how many people would be scared if we didn't have strong borders. I would be scared if we didn't have strong borders.

  • I think we should be continuing to keep the border safety. It has proven many times before that it has kept us in this nation safe. I can tell that the border safety has gotten stronger because think of 9/11. The border wasn't that strong but when one slip up happened, it was huge. Now we havve sercuity like no other. 

    • I agree with what you said about how the borders have gotten stronger since 9/11. That day we let terrorists come into our country and destroy many things. I also agree with you about how the borders have stronger security then back then.

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