
  • I usually dont have homework but when I do its alot

  • I don't think we get that much homework but I wouldn't want anymore that's for sure! The worst time of the school year is semester test time because their are always big projects due and you are studying for semester tests. I wish some teachers would do their semester test like a week earlier than all the others so they wouldn't all be at the same time.  

  • Teachers give way too much homework. For one it gives kids a lot of back problems now days from carryng everything around. Plus we have no time for anthything BUT homework because we have 8 classes a day and each classs you get an hour of homework. We have no time to ever relax or work or have fun.

  • sometimes i think we do get a lot of homework.. it can get over welming at times but other times we get like no homework, well not in math theres always homework in math..

  • Some times there is to much if I can get it done in study hall then I dont care but I never do it at home.

  • Most of the time its not to much, but then it seams like they all decide to assign a bunch all at once.

  • i think some teachers do but then some dont, i still think we should only get work that we know we can get done in class because some people are to busy out of school to get it done at home

  • I don't do it so i don't care.

  • i think that if teachers let us work more in class then i would not carre as much  

  • I think that what is really difficult it when we have our tests allllll on the same day! It drives me crazy because we end up having to study all on the same day.

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