Have you ever thought about that we can't be the only ones in the universe, right? We are still trying to find out if there is life besides us which is basically a big possibility there is. It's no secret that we have been trying to find out for years, like all the way back from the ancient Greeks to find if there is any life in the universe besides us. It would be pretty hard for there not to be any sign of life besides us since our universe is so big and is never ending. But what do the scientists and experts say about if aliens are real or not?
First of all, they haven't really found much evidence of trying to find any sort of alien life. Just because the universe is just really big and we don't have the most advanced technological equipment to find life on other planets that could be light years away from alien life. Scientists have found a lot of planets out there that is a planet that is habitable enough but most of them are light years away and since magnetic fields are invisible it is hard to determine if the planet has a strong magnetic field that has a good atmosphere which could determine if that there is a possibility of there being life on those planets.
There have been times where people believe that there are UFO sightings and people thinking that they found the aliens. Like in 1947 an Idaho pilot claims to have seen a UFO. There have been other times of those saucers found in wars where someone saw a UFO in the cold war. Other times people think of them when they see lights of a UFO or a shape of a UFO. But the government has shutted down those claims by saying that they are secret military tests and saying they have never seen any proof of alien objects or alien life and that they have no evidence of alien technology found by them. They also claim that there are no aliens there or found at area 51. Maybe the government has already found aliens and is just not telling us.
Personally, I do think aliens do exist just because are universe is really big and there is just no way that we are the only ones that exist in the entire universe. Like there is just no way that is possible. I also think maybe the government has seen the aliens before and they are just not trying to scare us or something and I think the government just blows it off and makes an excuse, but that's what I think. I also think they will feel like what the best time is to reveal to the public when they will say when they have found alien life, just not yet.
Do you believe aliens exist?
How would you react if aliens came to Earth?
Do you think the government has found alien life and is just not telling us?
I do not think aliens exist now but if there was enough factual evidince I would probably believe in them. I would probably start making a bunker if aliens came to earth. I do not think they have found them because people would no about it by now.
I could believe that aliens exist if you have enough proof because there has been sighting of people believing that there has been aliens. I would feel a little scared if there was aliens that showed up on Earth because we wouldn't be aware of what they are capable of and what they can do to us. I would believe that they found alien life but didn't say nothing because it would freak everyone out.
I think that it is very posible that aliens exist becuase there is an endless amount the universe that hasn't been explored. I think if anliens came to earth it would probley be scary but It would proble depend on how they present them selves.
I agree, like you said, our universe is endlessand it's very possible since we have an infinite of the universe unexplored
I do not think that aliens exist. I think they are fake creatures made up for movies that some people took a little too seriously. If aliens came down to Earth I wouldn't believe it or I would think I was dreaming. There is no alien life, the government isn't keeping any alien secret.
I do not think that aliens exist. I am not sure what I would do because if they aren't acting as a threat then I wouldn't care but if they were trying to cause harm I am not sure what I would so it just depends. I don't think that they have found aliens.
I dont really beilive in a allians because it just seems like something that would never be a actuall thing. I think that if alians came to the earth i think the epacalips would get start and it be a war wbut humans vs alians. I am nto sure if the goverment is hiding somehting or not, i dont know what to beilive from our goverment.
I sometimes will have to question the government myself because I feel like they could be hiding something from us.
I do not think that aliens are real and I never have. I wouldn't know how to react. There would definetly be lots of mass chaos and people not knowing what to do. There's some conspiracy thoeories that I've heard about the government knowing something but I haven't though much about it.
I find it very hard to beleive in the existance of aliens because there isn't enough evidence that they could exist in the universe. I would be worried if aliens came to Earth because it could change the whole way we live. I don't really believe that the government has found alien life.