Disney Might Stop Funding Boy Scouts

Disney said that in 2015 it will stop funding Boy Scouts. The reason is Boy Scouts has a ban on Gay Scout leaders. Gay kids can join. "According to Disney's charitable giving guidelines, groups become ineligible to receive Disney funding if they "discriminate in the provision of services unlawfully or in a manner inconsistent with Disney's policies on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, marital status, mental or physical ability, or sexual orientation."" I think that Disney has every right to stop donating. Do you agree with what Disney is doing, and why?

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  • Good topic!

  • I think its a good idea for Disney to stop donating because The Boy Scouts arent being very fair. If they arent going to accept boys for who they are and their likes, then Disney should take a stand and not donate to them. It should teach them a lesson or make them change their mind about what they are doing  

    • I hope that this will make Boy Scout's change its mind.

  • i agree with disney people are people

    • I agree, and I don't understand why Boy Scout's have this ban.

  • I didn't know that Disney funded boy scouts

    • I didn't either. What is you opinion on what Disney did.

  • I think it would be a tough choice. Boy Scouts is a pretty large group and everything, and having problems with gay leaders just doesn't reflect very good on them. I support Disney's decisions.

    • I never thought about how tough of a choice it could be. (I also agree)

  • I definitely agree with what Disney is doing. It is great that Disney is standing up for gay rights. This is a huge step forward for Disney.

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