Many companies around the U.S. are trying to expand into different countries. They are finding out about the different tastes in different countries. Like China, Russia, and Spain. In China they have fruity flavored oreos like raspberry and mango. In Russia they have crab flavored chips along with caviar, sour cream and herb, onion, bacon, and pickled cucmber flavors. In Spain they don't like cold milk on their cereal; they like coffee.
I find it kind of cool that these company's are looking in to all of these different tastes. I just find it weird though how different the countries are like the crab or caviar flavored chips or the coffee on your cereal or the different flavored oreos. I don't know if I would honestly want to try any of those different flavors.
Any thoughts? Would you try any of those different flavor?
Stick to America. We have better tastes.
I think it's pretty cool that they are trying new things. I don't know that everyone will be open the new tastes but I like that they are doing it.
I reall thin America should expand their pallets! I love different foods!
My favorite food is Italian. I love pizza and pasta. My dad and I make Norwiegan food for Christmas.
It is pretty cool that different countries like different things, but it is kinda gross because who would want to have hot coffee on their COLD cereal?
I know that there are a lot of restaurant food chains in other countries. McDonald's has a lot of international locations.
It makes sense. people in different countries have different diets than we do so it makes sense that they will have food that's taste fits in with that diet
I would maybe try the oreos but I don't like coffee and I'm not a big fan of seafood. It's interesting to think about though.
I think that's really cool that they're trying to divulge into the culture of other countries then trying to get into a war with feels like the world is more at peace that way. I think all of those different cultural food ideas are pretty sweet. Sounds awesome :)
I would love for them to bring some of those flavors to america so i could try them. We could also send some of the flavors that they dont have and we do over there just to test and see if they like what we like.