An 11 year old is a cancer survivor and was in the hospital because she had fallen and hit her head at school. While waiting to be released her clothes caught on fire. 80% of her body is burnt from 3rd degree burns. They think from static electricity from hand sanitizer caused all this. Hand sanitizer is an alcohol base and under the right Constance it can be flammable.  She said "God never gives you anything you can't handle." Her dad replied that "she would be the strongest person I've every herd of."

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  • This is really sad. I hope she has a great recovery!

  • This is terrible! After getting over a rough patch in her life and now this! She is definitely a strong 11 year old!

  • This little girl is honestly a hero! She is eleven years old has survived cancer, then has to go to the hospital because she hurts her head at school, then 80% of your body gets burned! like really! She is the strongest little girl ever!

  • Gosh that sucks. She survived cancer, hit her head, then while waiting to get out of the hospital she catches on fire. Talk about bad luck.

  • wow.  that's unbelievable!  it sounds like this was kind of unpreventable.  it's good though that she was in the hospital.

  • that would stink! And that is why I don't wear hand sanitizer

  • An eleven year old girl, that never gives up. That is inspirational, the hospitals should use soap and water, its cleaner and wont cause fires.

  • Wow this girls has been through a lot these past 11 years and she still is think positive.

  • That is terrible... how much more can a girl go through. i wish her the best of luck

  • This is so sad! She survived cancer and then this has to happen? Im glad she survived though. I cant believe they think hand sanitizar did this though.. thats crazy!

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