Diabetic Contacts by Google

Google has released a statement saying that they have made and are in the process of testing a contact lens that people with diabetes can put in their eye and have it read their glucose levels every second. The contact does this by taking the moisture that the eye creates and reading it with a microscopic scanner. The contact will read the moisture once per second and have blinking LED lights when the blood sugar gets to low that will be visible by the wearer.

My question to you is how would you feel knowing that there was a small computer on your eye? Another question is do you think that it would be more of a nuisance or a helping hand?

Link to full story:


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  • Good choice of topic and well done!

  • I think sometimes it could be a helping hand by letting the person know what their levels are without having to take the time to go check. But sometimes it would just get in the way when they don't need to see it.

  • I think these would be very helpful tools. It would allow diabetics to check their levels without having to carry around those needles to check it. And they could be aware of low levels without having to go through the illness.

  • I agree that if it gets passed it will be a great step in medical and technological advancement.

  • If they get theses to work I believe that it would be great to have especially for people who already wear contacts.

  • I think this would be awesome for the people that need it. This is very exciting because it is showing us what our technology is capable of. There will be many more new ideas for the future with technology. 

  • I like the idea, I'm not sure how big of a nuisance it would be without seeing the final product... One problem I do see is that they probably won't be very cheap and if someone loses a contact it could cause a lot of trouble

  • People need to adapt to the changing times and this is a good step for Diabetic's.

  • I agree with you Jake they should be further along with the technology but it is also a very good device that they are making.

  • I don't think it had said whether or not they were prescription but that would definitely make a difference.

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