Dennis Rader, the BTK killer is suspected to have killed two other people in Oklahoma and Missouri.He was convicted of killing 10 people in Kansas from 1970s-1990s. On August 22nd investigators searched his former property, while they were there they found unsolved murders and missing persons that could be connected to Rader. They later found that the search was closely tied to Cynthia Kinney who disappeared from Oklahoma in 1976.
As the investigation continues, they have found other potential murders that could be tied to Rader. Right now Rader is the prime suspect for all these new cases. He is also the suspect for Shawna Beth Garbers murder. Shawna was found in McDonald County, Missouri, in Decemeber 1990. Raders daughter has been helping with the re-opening of these cases. She also contacted McDonald County Sheriffs office to see if she could help with the Garbers case.
For those, who don't know BTK stands for “blind, torture and kill,’’ he was arrested in Febuary 2005 for 10 murders he commited. Rader talked about how he lived a double life. He was a church congregation president and a Boy Scout leader. When he wasnt busy doing those things he would kill people. He would also taunt the police by writing about his murders and sending them in before he got caught.
Do you think Dennis Rader commited the murder of Kinney and Garbers?
Do you think his daughter should be helpping with the investagation?
How do you think the families of Kinney and Garbers feel about this?
Good job overall Vylet! You really should start with your last paragraph educating people about BTK first and then talk abouit the update. Also be sure to inlcude your thoughts in the matter within your summary.
i think he commited thse crimes. I think the daughter should help because what if she had seen something and its her dad so she knows a lot about him.
I do believe that he commited these crimes because they were unsolved and connected to him. I do believe she should help even though it is weird since it's her dad that she is investagating. I think they would find comfort in know that the murder was resolved and that he has been caught.
I agree I do believe it was he who committed these two unsolved crimes, I hope that the families of Kinney and Garbers find justice. I think it's a little weird that his daughter is helping investigate him but at the same time it kind of makes sense I mean she lived with him and she knows what he's like.
I think he commited the crimes, however I think his daughter should help because maybe he would tell his daughter things he wouldn't to anyone else. I think they feel as if the hurt has came back as this happend 40 years ago. I feel as if they haven't got the justice they deserve but its been 40 years so why bring it back up.
I think that maybe this is kind of the justice the families are looking for. I know it hasn't been confirmed that he has committed these crimes but I'm sure he did and if it was me in the situation I would want it to be brought back up to get justice, but I do also understand where you're coming from.
I think it was him that commited the murder, I guess It would be awkward your dad as your client. But I also think his daughter should have not helped in this case, I would think the family of kinney and garbers would be very sad because it's been 40 years since they have passed and they haven't had the justice they deserve.
I think his daughter should be helping because she lived with him, therefore she knows more about him and she knows the property well since she did live there, I could understand why you would say she shouldn't be helping because it could be very upsetting for her too.
I think that his daughter should be helping with the investagation. I think that his daughter should be helping with the investagation because it would help the cops find clues abot the conections between the two things. I also think that his daughter should be helping with the investagation because she could help to wright a wrong that her father made.
I think that he was involved in the murder of Kinney because they found leads to the case on his property. I'm surprised that they found more on the missing persons case almost 20 years after he was arrested. I don't think that he was involved in the murder of Garbers because there is not much evidence.