Deer Intrudes on Philadelphia Home

Police were called to a house where glass was broken. The owner of the home wasn't home at time, but when he got home, he was told to stay out of the house until the found the intruder. Their was broken glass and blood everywhere. They finally came upon the intruder. The intruder was a 300 pound deer. The police then called the Philadelphia Fish and Wildlife. They couldn't get the deer out of the house, so they had to kill it.


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  • haha that is funny! poor deer was probably scared outta its mind.

  • Aww that's sad! For the homeowner and the dear! Why did they have to put it down why couldn't they have sedated him! Then he could have lived in a better place with deer like him!

  • There was nothing they could do to get it out? Its so sad that they had to kill the deer!

  • I feel sorry for the man who had his house wildly vandalized by a deer. I wish they could've freed the deer instead of killing it. I would not want to be in a house with a 300 pound deer rampaging with fear in my house. I wonder if it was a doe or a buck? I hope they get the damages repaired and this doesn't happen again.

  • What an intruder. I wonder why the deer jumped into the house. Maybe it smelled something, or saw something in the house that made it go into the house.

  • Oh my gosh, that is CRAZY! I have a lot of deer out by my house it is usual to see them out and about but for me to go home and realize that one was in my house, WHOA! That is to bad that they had to kill the deer but it would have probably been hunted at one point.

  • That's really sad the dear had to be shot but at least it didn't hurt anyone and it didn't get rescued and then they had to cut of its leg and it couldn't walk and they would have to help it live.

  • This is..interesting. I wouldn't want to be that deer, I'm sure he had no idea what was going on! But my question is why would the deer want to break that glass and go inside..

  • Ah, too bad they had to kill the deer! But that's kinda funny in a way that the deer came into his house!

  • I wanna know what made the deer go into the house. And it sucks that there's blood and glass everywhere. Especially because they have a very young baby. I would not want to be that family. I would feel so unsafe! Also, knowing that the deer was killed INSIDE the house is just kinda creepy to me!

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