Jodi Arias is Guilty of first degree murder. The man says that if she does get the death penalty its because the man she killed is white. If she doesn't its because shes a female and white. "When you have a women that lied to the jury over and over again she may have walked herself into the death penalty. " They think that she planned to take a picture of him while he was in the shower and when his back was turned to stab him with a knife 27 times and then later drag him around, with eventually shooting him. She stabbed and shot her ex-boyfriend.

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  • Why do they sometimes do that

  • Just move on, don't hold on to a relationship. This is just sick.

  • she defiantly deserves the death penalty.  there is no doubt about it.  she seems like a real wack job for sure. 

  • This is just plain sick. I mean really? I don't get it. People these days are getting way too okay with killing people.

  • That woman is crazy I think she should get the death penalty.

  • This is just disgusting! why can't you just move on like a normal person. Or show your anger in a more sane way like keying his car or something? At least nobody get hurt that way! I mean really, people need to get a hold of themselves.

  • People are so messed up these days. Some people need to be put in a psycho home.

  • what has this world come too.... sick people do terrible things that nobody can stop. its really a sad world.

  • this is sick. Why would someone want to do that to someone else they just need to move on after a relationship.

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