
Have you ever noticed how the news gives way too much attention to celebrities that die at a young age and they don't give hardly any attention to everyday citizens that die over seas fighting for our country? I think it's ridiculous. They need to give more attention to the people that helped make our country what it is today instead of celebrities that haven't really done anything for our country and died from drugs and other stupid things like that.

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  • I agree with you Julie, but you know how many citizens probably die over seas a day? It'd take a long time on the news to read the names and by that point no one would even listen to the news read off names they have never even heard of.

  • I saw a picture talking about this on facebook, and i totally agree with Julie about how stupid it is. I mean it's nice and all that people give us entertainment and all, but that is nothing compared to people in the army, navy, and forces like that that put their lives in jeopardy to keep everyone in the US safe. 

  • i agree with you julie! its so true too, no one ever talks about someone who died fighting for our country, but everyone talkes about famous people.
  • i think that alot of brave men and women die to make us who we are today and the general public uses that to a negative advantage. I think that we need to start doing things that mean something. focus on things that are more helpful towards us as a whole. thats just plain disrespectful towards those who lost their lives for a good cause and not because you are a druggie who sings good.  I know that when im fighting for our country in the years to come, i would want at least a little respect for my effort to save our country... unless we all want to be enslaved or taken over so that china or some other country rules us... our choice really

  • I guess the only reason they probably give a lot of attention to celebrities and death becase that what gets viewers. That is kind of strange how people want to know more about dealth than other current topics.

  • Well thats because people idolize the famous people and know who they are from music or movies and think they are hot so the news reporters know what to really put on the news to get great stories and attention. For the soldiers that is confidential and the army probably doesn't want that on tv just like they didn't want the killer of Bin Laden on there and families wouldn't want to watch something about there brother or father etc. being dead and will no longer be alive to see.

  • There are too many negative things in the news in general. There's 10 sad stories to every 1 happy story in the news these days. We need to look at the things that are going right in the world for once.

  • i agree with you julie. The news gives way to much attention for young celebrities for just dying at a young age. mostly for dying of a drug addiction or drinking.  the news needs to give a lot of attention to is people who are fighting for our country to keep us independent country,

  • i think they should say more about the people who are fightin our country when they die. all they talk about  is how this celeb died and all that. most of the celebs die from drugs and our soldiers die from defendin our country/

  • your completey right Julie. you barely hear a word about people fighting for our countryy, but when a druggy singer dies of "who knows what" you cant get away from it. its just plane wrong!

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