
  • Very very sad, i agree, he was an American hero. The first man on the moon, gone. It's terrible but, he left a footprint that no one will ever be able to forget.

  •  This is sad. I think he was one of the bravest men in our country. He risked his life to do something extraordinary!

  • This is sad, ofcourse. Deaths always are. It also reminds us though, of some of the amazing things he did! He was brave, and guttsy obvousily. He went to the moon! Not alot of people will get that oppertunity! He lived a very memorible life!

  • this is very sad and very historical date in our country, I think he was a very brave man to go to the moon. I wrote a paper on him in 8th grade and learn some very cool facts about him and think was a very amazing man.

  • Niel Armstrong died just 6 days ago. I wonder how old he was. You spelled true wrong.

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