Daughter lifts tractor off Dad

A daughter from a small town in the middle of Oregon saves her Dad, Jeff was in the middle of his garden under his tractor when his daughters heard him yell for help and came running! Once they got there they teamed up and lifted the 3,000 pounds trator off of the Dad. What do you think? Could you have done this?

Watch the video here: http://www.cnn.com/video/?hpt=hp_t5#/video/us/2013/04/10/dnt-or-daughter-lift-tractor-off-dad.kgw

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  • This is an amazing story. I have heard of a guy who hypnotized a group of people into lifting a car a couple of inches off the ground. I believe it could be possible for any normal person to be able to lift that much weight for even a few seconds if it was a group effort.

  • This is pretty crazy that they all could team up and lift it! I bet they were really scared and tried to help their dad as fast as possible

  • That is soo amazing. I dont even know how to put what i think about this into words. I know that things like this are possible though. Its completely an adrenalin rush that makes you like a super strong person. People can do some real crazy things for people that they love, im sure those girls never thought that they were capable of doing such a thing. They saved their father and now have a great story to share! I am so glad that they got the tractor off of him!!

  • i think once you know you have to do something to save someones life then adrenaline kicks in and nothing can stop you.

  • This is pretty amazing that thoose girls could help their dad like that.

  • This is amazing that those girls could help there dad like that.

  • That's pretty cool i have heard of stories like this before and its jsut amazing what people can truly do if they use all there strength.

  • This is crazy, I'm just glad that he is ok. That would be a cool story to tell your kids someday.

  • wow, that's pretty heroic of her! the dad must be so thankful!

  • This is pretty awesome that these girls had so much determination to get the tractor off their father.

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