so this dad decides to put about 6 or 7 rounds of bullets through his 15 year old daughters laptop after spending about 130 bucks to get new software for school the day before..  He then reads her wall on facebook and discovers a very hateful message to her parents all over some dumb chores at home! so he goes to make a video about how to parent kids about facebook.. and at the very end of the video, he shoots the laptop! you should really check it out! its on youtube and i seriously doubt that girl will ever get another laptop again! check it out on youtube and tell me what you think, or what your reaction would be!

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  • If I were the daughter of that man I would probably make him buy me a new one! This parent must have so major anger issues.



  • her dad overreacted a tad bit, but if they have money to blow like that, then by all means be my guest. 

  • thats the url.. check it out!

  • i dont think she should have complained about her parents over facebook like that but the dad shouldnt have reacted like he did.. GROW UP! be a father instead of a maniak! there are a lot better ways to handle something like that then to shoot the laptop!!

  • I watched this and I found it hilarious. I personally think she deserved it...she sounded like a spoiled brat and I think this taught her a good lesson. It is dumb that he shot it after spending money on getting it updated but he stated in the video that she will be paying all the money back.

  • wow.. i would be really mad with that.. and really angry with my parents too.. i think her dad its not right.. but he is not wrong neither .. im just curious about what the girl wrote on her facebook

  • wow! what the heck?! i would freak out, laptops are so expensive. he has anger issues, for sure.

  • I would be so mad if my parent did that! Both of my parents are my friends on facebook and I would  never post anything about them on it.

  • The father overreacted. He should not have put bullets through his daughter's laptop. Although, she should not have posted a hateful message to her parents, since they probably paid for her laptop.

  • She deserved punishment, maybe not THAT harsh, but still.

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