Crocodiles Escape

At least 280 crocodiles have escaped from a Mexican refuge near the Gulf of Mexico after heavy flooding caused by Hurricane Karl, Mexican media said Tuesday.

The endangered Morelet crocodiles were on the roam in six coastal areas in the Mexican state of Veracruz and residents were told not to try to capture or kill them, El Economista reported.

The governor of Veracruz told reporters about 280 crocodiles were missing from the reserve in La Antigua.

Morelet crocodiles can grow to nearly 10 feet and are found in freshwater swamps, lakes and rivers, and the brackish coastal waters of eastern Mexico, Belize and Guatemala.

Federal authorities from the agency charged with environmental protection said crocodile experts would be sent to the region to try to recapture the animals.

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  • oh my gosh that'd be sooo scary, can you imagine living there?
  • swamp killers!!!!!!1 or whatever that show is where people kill crocodiles
  • That would be horrible, not to mention how big those crocodiles were. I'd be scared out of my mind.
  • Holy buckets those are huge crocidiles. I hope they don't kill any people, and better yet i hope they don't reproduce and overtake the freshwater lakes, ponds, and rivers.
  • This is really scary!! im glad im nowhere near there.
  • those are pretty big crocodiles...i would probably be hiding
  • Creepy. I'm glad i'm not going down anywhere next Mexico soon!
  • That would be so scarry! if i were a resident around that area, id totally leave and go stay with someone else..
  • If i lived in Mexico i would not be going anywhere outside my house!!!!
  • i think the crocodiles were ready to go back to there home! but its kinda scary though if you lived there
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