Crazy Weather!!

what such crazy/scary weather some towns got yesterday! i was in des moines and we were out of power from 8 pm til 11 am. some towns got hit pretty hard like Creston. Their hospital and college had damage. Also this wind is CRAZY!! 

what do you guys think of the storm we had? 

personally this just makes me want summer more!!

heres a picture of i think someones house in creston!

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  • it was horrible, me and my mom were down in the city when the weather started to get bad, but i heard the weather is supposed to get worse this summer

  • Yeah those were crazy but i just want it to be sunny and hot so i can go swimming and boating soon.

  • It was kinda scary, I thought it would have got a lot worse but good thing it didn't! I feel bad for Creston, like today we aren't playing them in soccer because they got hit. Sad!

  • I am totally not a fan of this crazy weather! One i hate storms, and two i hate the cold. It makes it hard to have track meets when its raining and storming all the time! I really want the nice warm weather back!

  • I love rain and storms but not tornadoes!  Scary.  I was really upset that the Jazz Dance had to end early because of the weather on Saturday. :(

  • That looks really bad. The wind last night was really bad also. I mean it did not even let me sleep. I guess this storms show that summer is just around the corner. Which is a really good thing!

  • I'm glad Harlan or Defiance didn't get hit. I was driving in Harlan in it because I had to get stuff for the family. It was pretty cool I like watching the storms, but I think I would have been scared if there was a tornado. I am sad about the other towns that did get hit bad and I hope that they can clean it up and make the town livable soon because I don't think anyone should be without a home for that long.

  • im so happy that i live in a country that dont have tornado.. that its kinda scary and really bad.. im happy that we didnt have this weather in harlan

  • Yeah the weather wasn't all that great this last weekend

  • Well I'm happy that storms keep missing us!  But, I'm sadden about other towns that are getting brutally hit.

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