For almost three decades, Colin Steer had wondered what had caused the living
room floor beneath his sofa to dip but it was only after he retired that he
discovered his family had been sitting on a piece of history. He has uncovered a 33ft medieval well in the house where he and wife Vanessa have
lived for almost 25 years. Plans show the well dates back to the 16th century.

    "I was replacing the joists in the floor when I noticed a slight depression – it appeared to be filled in with the foundations of the house,” he said.

    "I dug down about one foot but my wife just wanted to me to cover it back up because we had three children running around at the time."

    "I always wanted to dig it out to see if I could find a pot of gold at the
bottom, so when I retired at the end of last year that's what I started to do."

    Mr Steer managed to excavate it using a rope to carry out the debris with the help of a friend before discovering an old sword.

    "It was hidden at a 45 degree angle and sort of just fell out. It looks like an old peasant's fighting weapon because it appears to be made up of bits of metal all knocked together," he added. But the shaft has left his wife less than impressed.

     "I hate the well,” Mrs Steer said. “But I suppose it is quite a feature."


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  • wow that's really cool that they finally dug up a hole under there house and there was a sword in it i cant believe that they actually found something in it

  • Wouldn't the person who build the house have noticed that they were building over a well? Also i think it kind of weird having a 33 foot hole in you floor.

  • Thats so random! But i guess people do always find random things at their houses. It is always kinda neat to hear what people find though!

  • this is really cool, I'm surprised it took them that long to find it. you would think that some project or something would cause them to find a well this big under their house

  • that is sweet that they found that under there house i mean what are the odds of finding a medieval sword.

  • That is so crazy! If I were them i would find it a tad bit creepy though! Regaurdless of the creepy factor it is still an amazing discovery.

  • that's crazy. I would be absolutely astonished if i found that under my sofa. I find the pretty cool how they found a really, really old sword done there. I wonder what he's going to do with it. i mean he probably doesn't want to fill it back in but it sounds like his wife doesnt really want it.

  • I wonder if something like that was randomly place under my house. It would be pretty weird to find that in beneath your house! But that would be fun exploring it!

  • For some reason i don't believe this. You think that if they had a basement that they should have found it. I meant its cool and all but i don't think it's real. I could be wrong though.

  • That's amazing! That is one out of one- hundred chance of ever finding such a precious artifact such as this! However, why the wife does not like that well is beyond me!? Who wouldnt like to find something from the medieval times!

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