Coutry star Mindy McCready died at age 37! She was found dead at her home in Arkansas, self-inflicted gunshot wounds. She also killed a dog, that belongs to her boyfriend. She has two sons one 6 year old and one 10 month old. Now the boys have to live in foster homes, and will grow up without there parents. What do you guys think? This is horrible people just need to get help! I feel bad for those two little boys.
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This is very sad. I feel really sorry for her children that they wont have their own family to grow up in.
Okay, so I saw her name and it brought back a article that I blogged about last year. Mindy had locked her 5 year old, now 6, in a closet and was charged with child abuse or something. You have to wonder what she was thinking. I feel bad for the little kids growing up without parents. Maybe someone, hopefully someone, will adopt them.
I feel awful for her kids. This was pretty heartless as a mother. She had a really bad life, so I am glad she is somewhere she can be happy. Why can't the kids live with grandparents or other family members?
This is very sad. Maybe it was postpartum depression? Know one will ever know..i feel very bad for her kids was she even think how their life is going to be know.