Pamela Rauseo aunt of her five month old nephew says she was in such an intense situation she couldn't call 911. The five month old was unresponsive. She was so scared her fingers couldn't dial 911. She got out of the car screaming for help for someone to do CPR. A women heard her screaming and came over to do CPR. Pamela knew how to do it, she just couldn't function she was so scared.
I feel like I would be the same. When it's someone you know it's hard to stay calm.
Would you be the same? What would you do in this situation? Would you be able to dial 911?
Good summary but be sure to comment on people's comments!
I'm sure that it would be very frightening to be in the aunt's situation. But I'm pretty sure that I could get myself under control enough to call 911.
I think I would be startled for a little while, but then get to my senses and try to help out. It's amazing how she couldn't function, she must really care for him. She's lucky someone heard her yelling.
If something this scary happened I could see my self being in such shock that I wouldn't be able to call 911.
I would be so terrified if I was in that situation and it would make me panic even more if I couldn't function enough to call 911. I definitely would be too panicky to dial 911. I hope nothing like this ever happens to me!
I think I would do the same because I would be soo nervous and scared that I wouldn't be able to concentrate enough on my phone to call the cops.
I understand how it would be scary for that to happen, but I don't think it would be so bad that you would be unable to do anything but scream for help. If it were me, I would have been able to call 911 and perform CPR on the kid without having a panic attack.
There are different types of people that can handle situations like this better then others. I can understand why she froze up and couldn't call 911 but I think it was good that she was able to take some kind of action.
I would be so scared. But I think I would be able to still dial 911, because I would know that's the one thing I could do to help.
I would probably be in shock like her, but I would try to dial 911 so someone could come and help