Cop keeps finger on suspect

Ok so it started out as just a routine traffic violation, the cop saw that the man looked suspicious and nervous so he asked him to step out of the car.  The suspect began to open the door, but then changed his mind, closing the door and getting the cops fingers stuck in the door handle.  He then sped away, with the cop clinging to the door trying to free his fingers.  I say the cop did a fine job of keeping his finger on the problem.  Link.

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  • oh my goodness! that would hurt so bad! at least he could hold on and not rip his finger off
  • uhmm owy!!! i feel bad for the cop but at least he caught in the act. so kudos to the cop...i hope his fingers feel better
  • Lol that must of hurt but at least he kept a finger on him
  • HAHA! thats funny! but kinda sad at the same time, that would really hurt, but at least the guy didnt get away.
  • oooh.... not fun... i'm sorry cop :)
  • Ouch!!! that had to have hurt and my sister knows how that feels she actually got her fingers stuck in a car window
  • Haha! It's funny but very cruel. That suspect was very smart!
  • Ahh that sucks. And would hurt soo bad!
  • oh my gosh! that would hurt sooo bad! that poor cop.. i hope the guy who did it got in big trouble
  • Ow! That would be resisting arrest and attacking a officer? haha. Wonder how he was able to keep up.
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