The Columbia City Council is tired of seeing homeless people in the city. So they made a plan to exile them. They started a special police force to enforce quality of life laws. These include loitering, public urination and other crimes. The officers would offer the homeless people a choice of going to jail or being moved to a shelter on the outside of town, which they wouldn't be allowed to leave without scheduling it. What do you think about this?



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  • Excellent job James of replying to people's comments!

  • Okay well for starters if the people are doing nothing wrong, they shouldn't be punished and should be given some sort of home. Although, if they are being destructive and are being a general bother to the community they need to be put somewhere, I wouldn't say prison but maybe a little bit more secure shelter.

    • I agree that if they are not bothering anyone, there is no reason to do anything. If they are doing something bothersome, they need to be put in a good shelter where they can learn and look for jobs.

  • I think it's okay to take them out of the city and putting them in a shelter. Putting them in jail is not right, they are poor homeless people, give them a break. Some of them are working hard to get a job and make some money for once. It is nice though for putting them in a shelter where it's warm. Does this shelter have food and free meals or are they charging them to stay there?

  • I think it's a smart idea and a bad idea. I think that it would be good to get the homeless out of the streets and it would be better for them to live in a shelter, because there is a place to sleep with a roof over their heads. I also think it's bad because they should have the choice to what they do.

    • I also think that a shelter is a better place for them, but they only have 240 beds for 1000+ homeless people.

  • I think that there are two ways to feel on this. I feel bad for the homeless that are working hard to get back on their feet and keep being shoved off into shelters and even jail now. On the other hand, I feel like it is good to get them out of important places when they are disturbing people. I do think that homeless people are people all the same as you and me and should deserve to have the same rights and thoughts as we do.

    • I think that the homeless need help to get on their feet, then they could be out of the way, and they could work.

  • This is not fair. Most homeless people can't help that they are homeless and have no job. Just shuttling them out to a shelter won't solve the problem anyways. More people are going to lose their jobs in the future and eventually, if they can't find another job, be homeless. The unemployment rate in Columbia is higher than the national average. If they wanted to do something, they could help create new jobs and help the homeless out.  It surprises me that the City Council actually approved this plan. It seems harsh to do this. 

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