Cockroaches-The New Antibiotic?

Researchers in England have discovered the super antibiotics, it the brains of our filthy friends.

One of the researchers behind all this says that they often looked at the disgusting bugs that live on dead flesh, in sewers and who knows where else, and wonderd how the delt with all the bacteria and parasites. So they meticulously extracted their brains and discovered the warrior. The antibiotics in their brains are like the uber warrior gods that SLAUGHTER bacteria. They laid waste to E. Coli and another type of antibiotic-resistant bacteria called MRSA. 

Better yet, they don't do damage human blood cells.

Bad news is that they don't know enough to use this quite yet. Research is ongoing. So maybe we should be a little nicer to the horrid little beasts ...

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  • this doesnt' change my opinion on the grossness of cockroaches
  • is that how they can survive nuclear blasts?
    but at least cockroaches can now be a good thing. so now when people have them in their houses they wont call an exterminator, just call someone to come catch them and take them to a science lab. lol.
  • Ok i have to say that is pretty cool, but i wonder what happens if you are alergic to cockroaches? and sorry can't be nice to them until they stop being so nasty and skittery. :)
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