Sarah Palin is in the news a lot lately. She was on the Oprah Winfrey show on Monday(11-16) and has her new book, Going Rouge, coming out today. Then there is the story on Bristol Palin's former boyfriend Levi. Read the story and then let me know your opinions on Sarah Palin. Click Here!

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  • ps..maverick
  • I don't think itsreally fair for people to blow things up about her. For example their are many parents out there that have a teenager that got pregnant to early. Like seriously things like that happen all the time and that only make her normal just like everyone else. So I don't really think that she deserves to be targeted.
  • I am a HUGE fan of Sarah Palin. I think that the mainstream media was ten times harder on her than Joe Biden for no reason. I think she would be a great president, if people would just gave her a chance.
    • Be sure to check out the Oprah videos if you haven't seen them. The links are above.
  • Ok, for any of you who think that Hilary Clinton would be a good president, you are completely and utterly mistaken!!! Hilary is a camera happy, unrealistic pushover. She openly bawled during a a public speaking. Do you honestly want a crybaby wannabe leader? Think about it.
  • Jeeze, people, especially the Democrat-backed Media, will try to tear that woman to shreds at any given opportunity. She didn't even declare that she is going to run for president! I personally respect her and think that everyone should butt out of her business. You cannot become the governor of Alaska by being an inarticulate, inadequate person.
  • I love Sarah Palin! President for 2012! she would smoke obama in the next race!
  • I don't know. If it should be any woman it should be Hilary. I mean Sarah seems too camera happy. She cares more about clothes than caring for our country.
  • I'm sorry, but I cannot STAND Sarah Palin. I think that she, like a desperate underfed shark...lives off the attention. Without it , she'd shrivel up and die. I'm sorry,but she is not qualified to be president!! Yes, she was the governor of Alaska but think about it...NO ONE LIVES IN ALASKA!! There's like 20 people up there! You take what you can get, even if it sucks! Gosh!!
  • I don't really care for her at all. She can try running for president but she won't get it.
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