Mr. Bruns' Educational Ideology:
- I understand that not everyone loves history and that you can be successful without "knowing" history.
- I focus on building life-long skills for students-problem solving, reading, researching, writing, communicating, collaborating, critical thinking and technological skills.
- I try to give student’s choice in how they do things as much as possible.
- I strive to be fair, kind and positive at all times.
- I believe in giving students second chances if they make a mistake but….
- I believe in following rules and will deal with issues as they arise.
- I believe in giving students opportunities to succeed and focus on topics they enjoy—Extra Credit opportunities
- My themes: Carpe Diem, Hakuna Matata, Veni Vedi Vici, Are you ready?
- The content I teach in my classes are based on the Iowa Core.
1. Follow the Cyclone Way and rules stated in the HCHS Student Handbook.
--Respect, Integrity, Excellence, Empowerment
2. Strive to be a good digital citizen.
--Stay on task when using computers in class.
--No cell phones in class unless for educational purposes and with my permission -1st offense-detention
*Keep your cell phones in your school bag and put away unless I allow it for class purposes.
--Do not use your full name or give out any personal information.
--Comments/pictures added to my website need to be school appropriate.
--Do not harass or put down other people or other people's opinions down. Tell me ASAP if you encounter this.
--Only go on websites that you need for class-no games or Facebook, Twitter, etc.
--Be responsible for your computer. Shut it down at night and have a charged battery each morning.
--Do not plagiarize and follow copyright laws to the best of your ability.
--Cite sources correctly using Easybib.
3. Tardies
- You are tardy if you come in after the bell stops ringing. Your second tardy is a detention. Third tardy is two detentions. Fourth tardy is one Saturday in school suspension. Fifth tardy is two Saturday in school suspensions. Sixth and more is three Saturday in school detentions.
4. Going to the restroom/filling water bottles needs to be done during passing times or right as you come into class or during work time(outside of emergencies). Always ask before going so you aren't tardy.
5. Refrain from talking out of turn during lessons, discussion, student
6. Be familiar with all the school rules covering cheating, profanity, fighting, bullying, etc. as stated in the Student Handbook.
- Teacher/Student discussion/email
- Email to administration-Behavior Form
- Loss of points
- Detention
- Saturday-in-school
- I reserve the right to implement other consequences as I see fit
Hot Take Forum Posts and Forum Post Comments
Expectations for forum post leaders(50 points).
- Students will be expected to reply to five of these "hot take" forum posts per week(two points each) from the topics that the forum leaders created. Your forum post comments should be meaningful and add to the discussion and will be graded for effort and length--roughly a line and a half on the forum(equates to three lines on your Activity Feed).
- No more than 50% of your forum post comments canbe done during the same week(10 point deduction if you don’t abide by this).
- You should answer a specific forum post questions only once. You can however, reply to other people you disagree with on the same post. This should not make up all of your forum post comments.
- Replying to people in the your forum post do not count towards your 20/25 forum post comments.
- Regular forum post comments will be graded twice a quarter.
You can create up to three video documentaries per quarter that cover topics ranging from US History, World History, current events, social issues, or HCHS News. Two of these videos would replace commenting to forum posts and the other would replace being a forum post leader. Point values for these videos would be the same as the forum post topics(50 points or 100 points). Videos that take the place of commenting on the forum should be at minimum three minutes long, be edited well, be done in a timely fashion, and follow copyright laws. Videos that take the place of being a forum post leader(100 points) should be a minimum of five minutes long, be edited well, be done in a timely fashion, and follow copyright laws.
Example of a history documentary
For the purpose of this class, tests are defined as any assessment 50 points and over. Quizzes are 49 points and under.
I rotate the types of tests we take in class(not map tests)--group, group-individual, individual. In order for you to participate in a group test, you must maintain a D- or higher for your overall grade.
If you are absent the day of the test, you will need to take the test individually in most cases. Talk to me to set up a time.
When taking group tests, masks will be mandated since we aren't socially distant.
**You always reserve the right to take your test individually if you prefer.
When taking an individual test(including the semester test), you will be given two options:
*Written essay test
*Verbal test
As I want students to ultimately learn the material, I will allow students to retake most tests(not quizzes) to replace the test score already in Powerschool. This must be done within two school days and can only be retaken once per test. You are allowed to take an individual test to replace a group test score if you so choose. The Semester Test is not included in this policy.
If you choose to retake a test, it must be taken outside of your regular class time.
If you are gone the day before the test and new material is given out, you will not be required to take the test. If you are gone two out of three days before a test, you will not be required to take the test. In all other cases, you should plan on taking the test.
Semester Test
The semester test will be worth 10-20% of your semester grade.
Late Work
I do not accept late work in most circumstances. With that said, if you eventually get something done before the next test/grading period, I will give you up to 50% credit for your work.
If you are absent, you are expected to check my daily summaries to see what we did in class the days you were gone. Be responsible for getting your make-up work done. A zero will be inputed for your grade until you get the assignment/project/test made up.
HCHS Grading Scale:
A 100-94
A- 93-90
B+ 89-87
B 86-84
B- 83-80
C+ 79-77
C 76-74
C- 73-70
D+ 69-67
D 66-64
D- 63-60
F 59 and below