student killed a 37 year old women who his dad was having a affair with. police say that the boy told them that the affair was effecting his mother so he decided to kill the women. cause of death was a towel used to strangle the victim to death. the boy is being convicted with pre meditated murder.

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  • I think that he should have just talked to his parents about the affair. He got in a whole lot of trouble because of what he did.

  • I think it will get anybody mad if your dad was having an affair with a different women, but not mad enough to kill her. I think that was TOTALLY unecessary to do and now he has ruined his life.

  • If the father was having an affair with another women, then the child should have gone to the dad and talked to them. Strangling the lady doesn't make the problem go away, it makes it worse. It is awful when something like this happens. I feel bad for the lady's family, because this is a sad loss for them, especially since it was sudden, and intended. A "normal" death does not happen like this. Yes, it may be sudden, but it wasn't planned.

  • Thats scary!! violence isnt the answer. this could be solved a different way. maybe the woman didnt know that his dad was married at the time? so that would be more unexpected death. The boy did not make a very good decision by killin gthis woman.

  • Wow! I guess when you push a person so far they do crazy things, but killing a person? ehhh, i don't think i could ever do that even if i was in his situation. But his dad? Really should have thought of the consequences before doing what he did.

  • Some certian things make people crack. This kid adores his mother, and this lady was affecting his mothers happiness. I think he took it far, I mean to kill someone. That is never the awnser, for anything, ever! I think that an affair is never the awnser either. If your not happy, do something about it. Don't have an affair, wait till things are effically over. I mean, it's kinda the lady's fault. Shouldn't mess with taken men. You will always get hurt, usually mentally, this time physically.

  • some things tend to make a man mad. this one just so happend to be his mother being unhappy and hurt.
  • Wow that is really sad because his mom was so affected by the affair that he killed the woman and that he felt that it was his job to kill the woman.

  • Its terrible that he killed her he should have just talked to them about it. There is no reason he should have killed her yes it was effecting his mother but he could have helped her in a different way.

  • That's terrible that the boy had deal with his parents' problems, but he stil acted completely irrationally. Even if he was angry with the other woman he shoulnd't have killed her. There is always a better way of handeling the situation.

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